Tricaster Operator

Are we over virtual events, are in person events really better?

Webcasting a live event has become increasingly popular again since lock-down due to the numerous benefits it offers over a virtual event. In this blog, we will discuss some of the advantages of webcasting a live event and why it may be the better option for your next event. 1. Authenticity and Engagement One [...]

Teams or Zoom for a Live Event?

The choice between using teams or Zoom for live events will depend on various factors such as the size of the event, the location of participants, the desired level of interactivity, and the specific features required for the event. Teams is a collaboration platform that allows users to communicate via video, audio, and chat. [...]

Traveling with Carnets (not a lot of love)

Carnets are essential for international productions allowing the companies to move equipment seamlessly through customs. However, there have been instances where using carnets has been problematic. Event Streaming .TV is a webcasting company based in the UK providing live streaming and event production services. Over the last 20 years, they have established themselves as [...]

Live events are back, but is webcasting still important?

Webcasting has become an increasingly popular way to reach audiences beyond the physical venue of a live event. Whether it’s a conference, concert, sporting event, or any other gathering, webcasting allows people from all over the world to tune in and experience the event in real-time.There are many benefits to webcasting live events. First and [...]

Remote webcast with NO power or WiFi

No internet, No mains power… Welcome to the edge of the world (4 miles from a pub) We’ve been remote streaming this winter from a remote cottage in the south west using our Teradek link pro to give us a 4G bonded internet connection with speeds up to 50 mb up/down The mains power [...]

2023-01-27T16:26:09+00:00January 27th, 2023|Live Streaming, Showreel, Virtual Event, Webcast Support|0 Comments

Remote Streaming in Sweden

Ahead of a newly commissioned 8-part Scandinavian documentary the Event Streaming team have just returned from a 10-day trial filming and live webcasting from a self-built raft drifting at 4mph down the Klarälven river. ("The clear river" in Swedish) Sweden is simply stunning and once we built the raft and waved goodbye, we didn’t [...]

2022-09-16T14:16:24+00:00September 16th, 2022|Location Editing, Showreel, Virtual Event, Webcast|0 Comments

Breakfast or Hotel Bar???

So, after two years adapting to virtual and hybrid events from the studio and breakfast bar we’re happily back on the road. This week the Event Streaming .TV stream team produced and filmed webcasts and live from conference hotels and venues across the UK, Sweden and Greece. Yes, the airports were a nightmare and [...]

Hybrid Event Production

This year due to COVID restrictions the Hanover annual investor day was filmed and streamed to a private micro-site by webcast production company Event Streaming .TV Founded in 2002, Hanover Investors is a private equity firm based in London specializing in turnarounds, leveraged buyouts and recapitalization transactions. Event Streaming .TV have been in the [...]

2021-12-16T11:18:22+00:00December 16th, 2021|Event Production, Live Streaming, Showreel, Webcast|0 Comments

Events and Arnold Schwarzenegger are coming back

This week we were very excited to back on the road and even more so to connect and live stream the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor, former politician and 38th Governor of California, in conversation with the historian Dan Snow. The International Churchill Society (ICS) hosted a two-day conference from the London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor [...]

2021-10-27T15:09:59+00:00October 22nd, 2021|Film Crew, Location Editing, Showreel, Webcast|0 Comments

vMix portable vision mixers now available to hire

We are now stocking five vMix streaming vision mix / encoders for professional mobile webcast production. Create professional live video productions using vMix or LiveStream Studio, both systems are conveniently installed and use the five onboard 4K capture cards. The unit is ultra-portable and can be easily carried on a train and plane. Check [...]

2021-09-14T16:45:59+00:00September 14th, 2021|Live Streaming, Virtual Event, Virtual Meeting, Webcast|0 Comments
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