Looking for a streaming partner – how can we help?

We offer a cost effective, white label webcasting service for your clients and events

We are a trusted streaming partner and webcast regularly to all the major platforms

A quick guide to our webcasting service

Streaming Options

What we offer

Unfamiliar with filming and streaming? – Don’t worry, our aim is to de-mystify all aspects of our webcasting service which means you can relax and enjoy the creative process.

As a proactive streaming partner we can help with as much or as little of the production as needed, if you require a sound engineer and PA, lighting or a set design company please just let us know.

We also stock and hire webcasting equipment such as TriCasters, mobile streaming laptops and HD SDI cameras

See what our clients have to say about us here

Our website is secure and fully customisable to match your corporate branding offering many interactive features we’ve included free for example; ask a question, voting and video on demand.

Built and developed in-house, view an example here

Embed our customisable video player into any website, our helpful tech team will talk and help you through the whole process.

View an example here

We can make the stream as secure as you need from a single generic password to individual login details including name, company, email etc.

View an example here

We’ve added many interactive features so your viewers can really engage and participate such as chat rooms, polling, ask a question, voting and social media.

Social media is a great way to interact and build an audience. We are a trusted streaming partner and webcast regularly to all the major platforms, including Twitter, FaceBook and YouTube.

4G bonding and Satellite internet has arrived – Try our Teradek Live Pro for remote internet access

As more and more business takes place outside the office, mobile companies have boosted the speed and reliability of their 3G and now 4G networks which means it’s possible for us to now stream in locations with little or no fixed internet

A satellite internet service offers high upload and download speeds, and allows you to connect any number of devices to the internet via a network or Wi-Fi router.

We partner with event internet suppliers to provide the best solution for your location

Here to help


Download our FREE streaming partner guide

Our latest guide to streaming includes options, costs and examples. Prices start from just £750

Our Happy Clients

Event Streaming .TV are incredibly responsive streaming partner, with a refreshingly approach to filming and live event streaming - we 100% recommend them to all our clients.

James Laughland, Director: ASETS UK
