Project Description

As part of Microsoft’s community documentary programme we produced two award winning documentaries capturing the people and spirit of Madagascar and Malawi.

Malawi is among the world’s least developed countries and has huge health issues with Malaria and Aids. EventStreaming.TV spent a week with Microsoft documenting their work distributing Malaria nets to rural villages. We also documented Microsoft engineers deploying their IT skills in an outdated infrastructure and environment to network three schools and an orphanage.

It was a highly emotive and challenging shoot and a remarkable experience we won’t forget.

The finished documentary was shown at Microsoft’s global AGM and distributed throughout Microsoft and its partners

In the field we use our versatile LiveStream HD550 vision mixer with 4 small HD cameras to capture and stream the event. The HD550 allows us to add up to 5 cameras, pre-made videos, graphics, twitter feeds and much more, this great piece of kit allows us to create professional broadcasts with the sole aim of keeping the viewers interested, informed and watching.

Facebook really is the best platform for viewers to react, comment and share webcasts. At EventStreaming.TV we don’t do bland, we professionally manage Facebook webcasts to attract and keep the biggest audience possible.

If you’d like to discuss your latest documentary, live event or webcast please call EventStreaming.TV 01223 855669 or email

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