Webcasting, live streaming, call it what you will, it is here to stay and now should be a consideration for any size of event, enabling far greater reach and an interactive experience for remote audiences.

It is fair to say that pretty much anyone these days with a bit of tech savvy knowledge and minimal kit can produce a live stream, any in house IT department worth their salt can bolt together a solution which will work and low and behold you can broadcast over the internet.

However a solution that will “work” just isn’t enough these days, years of watching professionally produced television programs, sporting events and festivals, audiences have become conditioned to expect and demand high end production quality.

With a bit of thought and the addition of some simple room dressing, lighting and a proper audio solution (not the inbuilt mic from a camcorder), a small event can have a great impact. With a bit of creative know how, any sterile board room, run down hotel conference room or even an old church hall can be transformed into spectacular backdrops and sets. Get a bit of branding up, personalise your event, rehearse, after all it is your event you are showcasing to the world, make your webcast shine!

Jamie Founder of eventstreaming.tv “It is always exciting to see more and more small companies, festivals and events contacting us and embracing live streaming. Clients are constantly astounded by the level of production that can be achieved with minimal outlay”

If you’d like to discuss your latest event, video or webcasting please call eventstreaming.tv 01223 855669 or email hello@eventstreaming.tv